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Hove Junior School

Portland Road & Holland Road

"There is strong evidence of good systemic leadership and an aspirational culture, supporting strong outcomes for pupils and in raising standards for disadvantaged and SEND pupils" - Ofsted, February 2020

Breakfast Club and After School Club - Holland Road

About the club

At Holland Road we run joint West Hove Infant and Hove Junior School Breakfast and After School Clubs. The After School Club is registered with Ofsted (Registration No 114403). The breakfast club is open from 7:40am until school starts, and the After School club is open from 3.05pm until 6.00pm weekdays, during term time.

We are based in the main hall and the entrance for parents is via the main gate on Holland Road.


We believe that a strong sense of attachment to / sense of belonging within our school community is key to supporting children’s personal development, therefore our clubs are run by our own school staff who know the children and families well.

We aim to provide a safe, secure and relaxed environment, offering a range of activities to reflect the interests of the children in our care. We want children to be themselves, develop friendships and follow their own interests. The club provision is distinct from school as we offer high-quality childcare through play and exploration.

In line with our school positive relationships approach, we aim to:

  • Foster a desire to explore
  • Stimulate curiosity
  • Provide children with skills necessary to become independent and resilient
  • Co-operate with one another and develop positive relationships
  • Persevere and celebrate when we overcome challenges

What We Offer

There will always be a selection of activities and resources available, including arts & crafts, board games, construction, physical play, cookery, and reading. In addition, other resources are available for the children to select from our equipment library.  We also offer supervised opportunities for children to play in the playground using outdoor play equipment (After School Club only).

What We Provide

We provide breakfast for the children attending the morning club and this will include a choice of cereals, toast, crumpets, bagels and fresh fruit. The food we provide at After School Club is not intended as a substitute for a main evening meal. We provide healthy snacks, including fresh fruit and vegetables.  We always use fresh ingredients and follow statutory guidelines.  We are also able to meet individual dietary requirements.  We recognise the importance of healthy nutrition for children delivered in a calm, friendly setting.

What We Charge

Breakfast Club

Standard Price 

£5.00 per session

After School Club

Standard Price

£15.00 per session

Weekly Discount


Sibling Discount



Our Breakfast Club is staffed by Martina D’Antino, Club Co-ordinator, and Maxine Kuzma, Play Leader.

Our After School Club is led by Suzanna Novick and Martina D’Antino, Club Co-ordinators and they are supported by a team of Assistant Club Co-ordinators and Play Leaders.

All of our staff have significant experience of working with children and undertake continuous professional development training. All staff members are DBS checked.

If you have a query or concern at any time, please speak to a member of staff at the club when you collect your child. If you prefer to arrange a more convenient time for a meeting, please contact us (contact details are at the end of this page).

Policies and Procedures

The clubs follow Hove Learning Federation policies and procedures. Copies of the full policies are available for parents/carers to consult via the school websites.

Promoting Positive Relationships and Behaviour

Our Breakfast and After School Clubs follow the approach set out in our schools’ Positive Relationships Policy, which is designed to be followed by the whole school community.  A copy of this is available on our website.

We have high aspirations for children’s social behaviours and all adults support children to build and nurture relationships. We foster a community where children and adults all treat each other with respect, listen to each other carefully and make decisions collaboratively.

We understand that most children will make mistakes along the way to becoming attuned, self-regulated, responsible people and that some children have particular challenges (e.g. children with social, emotional and mental health needs; autistic spectrum condition; attachment needs and other developmental or genetic conditions) on this journey. If children require additional support with their behaviour we will ensure we follow any strategies already in place in school.

By using positive behaviour support we can nearly always manage behaviours within the clubs. However, on the rare occasions where a child demonstrates inappropriate or unsafe behaviour we will speak to parents/carers so they are aware.

Terms and conditions


Our club aims to be accessible to children and families from all sections of our local community. Admission to the club is organised by the school and we use a waiting list system when the need arises. The waiting list will be operated on a first come-first served basis, with the exception of siblings who will have priority for the same days as a sibling already attending.

We require a completed set of registration forms for your child before they can attend the club. This information will be treated as confidential and will be stored appropriately.

Payment of fees

Fees are payable in advance and must be pre-paid by registering on-line:

The price per session per child applies to all children. This is payable for all booked sessions including when your child is sick, or on holiday (regardless of the amount of notice given).  We do not charge for bank holidays and professional training days.

Parent/Carers may benefit from the Governments Tax-Free Child Care Scheme. Further information can be found here:

Delayed payments/debts

Should you have an amount which is overdue, we will send you an email to remind you that the amount needs to be settled promptly.  Your child will not be allowed to attend until the debt has been paid.  (If debts are incurred, then the school has to pay for them which every parent/carer will agree is unacceptable and we request that all parents/carers respect this.)

If you are having difficulty paying fees, please speak in confidence to the Office Manager.

Changes to days and cancelling your place

You must give us one month’s notice of termination, or of changes in attendance. If you need to change the days that your child attends, please contact the Office Manager. We try to accommodate such changes wherever possible.

Temporary Changes

Please remember that we need to know if your child will not be attending the club for any reason. If your child doesn’t attend a booked session, we will have to treat them as a ‘missing child’ unless you have notified us of their absence.


You and your child are welcome to visit the club before your child's first day, to familiarise yourselves with the setting and to help your child settle in.

During your child’s first session, time will be set aside for an induction. The induction will include running through club rules, routines and introducing your child to the staff and other children.

Arrivals and Departures

Breakfast Club

Our entrance is via the main gate and ramp which leads directly into the hall.  Children are signed out of the club and make their own way to class.

After School Club

Infant children are escorted to the Club by a member of staff. Junior Children make their own way to the club at the end of the school day. A register is taken when children arrive in our care, and you must sign out your child each day when you collect them.

We expect that your child will normally be collected by the people you have named when you registered. If you need a different person to collect your child on a particular day, you must notify us in advance. We will not release your child into the care of a person unknown to us without your authorisation.

The club finishes at 6:00pm, if you are delayed for any reason please telephone the club to let us know. A late payment fee of:

£7.50 for the first 15 minutes

£10.00 - 16-20 minutes

£15.00 – 21-30 minutes

£30.00 – 31-60 minutes

Fees will be applied to all collections made after the advertised session end time.

If your child remains uncollected after 6:30pm and you have not warned us that you will be delayed, and we have been unable to reach you or any of your emergency contacts, we will contact the Social Care team.

Child Protection

We are committed to building a ‘culture of safety’ in which the children in our care are protected from abuse and harm. Any suspicion of abuse is promptly and appropriately responded to. We comply with local and national child protection procedures and ensure that all staff are appropriately trained. For more details see our Child Protection Policy, which is available on our website.

Equal Opportunities

Our club provides a safe and caring environment, free from discrimination, for everyone in our community including children with additional needs.

  • We respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-ethnic society so that each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping.
  • We will challenge inappropriate attitudes and practices.
  • We will not tolerate any form of racial harassment.

Additional Needs

We make every effort to accommodate and welcome any child with additional needs. We will work in liaison with parents or carers and relevant professionals to fully understand your child’s specific requirements. We will endeavour to accommodate all children of all abilities, whilst working within the club’s limitations. Each case will be considered individually and risk-assessed to ensure everyone’s safety.

For more details on equal opportunities and special needs, see our Equalities Policy, which is available on our website.


We are unable to care for children who are unwell. If your child becomes unwell whilst at the club we will contact you and ask you to make arrangements for them to be collected.

Please inform the Club Co-ordinators of any infectious illness your child contracts. If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea please do not send them to the club for 24 hours after the illness has ceased.

Accidents and first aid

Every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of the children at all times, and the club is fully insured. Our staff are trained in first aid and a first aid kit is kept on the premises. If your child has an accident whilst in our care, you will be informed when you collect your child.


It is important our Club Leaders are aware of any allergies.


Please let the club know if your child is taking prescribed medicine. If your child needs to take medicine whilst at the club you will need to complete a Permission to administer medication form in advance.

Complaints Procedure

If you have any queries, comments or need to discuss any matters concerning your child, please feel free to speak to the Club Co-ordinator or any member of SLT.

A full copy of our Complaints Policy is available on request.

General Information

Our club is a place of safety and security for the children who attend and the staff who work here, and we ask that parents and carers treat our staff with respect and courtesy at all times. If you have concerns we will always listen to them and seek to address them. Please be aware, however, that we cannot tolerate abusive behaviour towards our staff, and we reserve the right to ban anyone exhibiting inappropriate behaviour from our premises.

Contact Information

West Hove Infant School and Hove Junior School
Holland Road

Office number: 01273 916707 (during school hours)

Club mobile number:  07471 830109 (Please leave a voice message if there is no reply.)


Ofsted Registration No: 114403

Club Staff

Breakfast Club:                 Martina D’Antino (Club Co-ordinator)                                                                                                       Maxine Kuzma (Play Leader)

After School Club:           Suzanna Novik (Club Co-ordinator)
                                                     Martina D’Antino (Club Co-ordinator)
                                                     Julie Davis (Play Leader)
                                                     Maxine Kuzma (Play Leader)
                                                     Marina Rengel (Play Leader)

Designated Safeguarding Lead:    Lorna Cummings (Head of School)

Early Years and Childcare Service

Brighton Town Hall
Bartholomew Square

Tel: 01273 295920


Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
Manchester  M1 2WD

Tel: 0300 123 1231